Friday, April 30, 2010

Edits & Early Words

Hello All,

I am currently working heavily on the edits before the book goes into print. Yet, I was thinking...

Did you order your copy?

When you do, tell me, which character deserves a story or spin-off in the mirror saga. Originally, I do not want to write a sequel, saga, or anything...but if you read it, let me know.

Some of the characters:

I have titles in mind if necessary, but need to hear the request by popular demand only. Otherwise, no more after "Mirror, Beware!"

Monday, April 19, 2010

Dream 4 More Firm and Dream Summore

Did you get your copy of "Mirror, Beware!" You only have until April 30th at the $6.00 + $4.00 shipping at GSH Publishing site: before it goes back to $15 a copy. Pre-orders are accepted. Due to be out next month!

If you send a copy of your receipt to Dream4More Firm, PO BOX 240803, Milwaukee, WI 53224, you will be put in a drawing to win a free teleclass with Dream Experience Series of choice during May-July can choose which class of the three offered on the site:


Monday, April 5, 2010

Sale for Mirror, Beware for this month of April

Hello all,

The book is still waiting on the editing stage. We have the book cover ready, until edits are done then the book will go into print.

However, GSH Publishing has a $6.00 sale for the entire month of April 2010. Get your copy today!

I appreciate the support and getting a copy of "Mirror, Beware!" before it goes into print. You will get your copy as soon as it is fresh off the press.

Dream Summore.